Be a Good Human

The award winning and highly engaged  Resort Sales & Marketing Team

By Vince LaRuffa, Senior Vice President, Resort Sales & Marketing

Well my friends….it’s Valentine’s Week, so what better time to introduce this edition of our Culture Corner’s featured behavior “

I’m sure some of you are thinking, “Yes…of course, Vince, this is obvious, is it not?”  And the answer to that is “Yes, it should be”, but we also know there are challenging days that sometimes cause us to leave our kind and charming personalities at the door. Even the nicest of us will occasionally have those days when we carry a frustration or a disappointment into the office and project the pain or frustration we are experiencing ON EVERYONE ELSE.  It’s human nature. But, is it necessary?  Of course it isn’t!

Recognizing that none of us are perfect in our humanity, it helps to be AWARE of those moments when we are at risk of punishing others for our own issues.  Let’s all agree on something before we move this topic forward:  THERE ARE NO CIRCUMSTANCES WHERE IT IS ACCEPTABLE TO MISTREAT, DEMEAN, OR HUMILIATE A COWORKER, regardless of what we may be reacting to. 

I commonly tell my team, “If you are sick, stay home”. In addition to the benefits of not spreading my germs throughout the office, I know myself well enough to know when I don’t feel well physically, I get cranky, and I find myself snapping at others, which of course, is not fair.  Every now and then, for one reason or another, we can all stray from our typically pleasant demeanor.  When this occurs, we should feel comfortable stepping out, rather than creating tension and anxiety for others in our work environment.  Like most of you, most of the time, I’m a happy camper.  But sometimes the burdens we all carry become heavier, and this may cause us to behave in ways that are inconsistent with the person we truly are. When this occurs, it is never fair to take this frustration out on the innocent ones around us. 

My dear mother was a bit of a preacher, and she used to periodically remind my sisters and me of the Platinum Rule:  Treat others as they wish to be treated.  It’s simple, but effective in making sure we stay within the lines of decency at work, and for that matter, at home. 

So, HAPPY VALENTINES WEEK, and to celebrate the occasion, let’s try to be THE BEST HUMAN BEINGS WE CAN BE!! 

Vince LaRuffa is the Senior Vice President of Resort Sales & Marketing. 
He will be celebrating 16 years of being a great human at Universal Orlando this year.  


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